Sunday, March 29, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Pictures of the Boys
Wrangell and Stryder. He does like his brother alot even though he gets jealous sometimes... most of the time... whatever.
I do remember Wrangell getting black eyes in the past and that was always while I was at work. Lask week I came home to find out that Charity had stuck Wrangells hand in the treadmill. Actually I found out later that he must have put his tractor on the back of the belt while Charity was walking so that the tractor could drive. The tractor fell off the back and Wrangell got his hand stuck between the belt and cover when he reached for the tractor. Charity shut the treadmill off quick and its a good thing she was only walking and not running. Later I found the tractor underneath the front of the treadmill. The belt pulled it all the way to the front and tore off a tire and some other things.
Here is a video of the obnoxious noise Wrangell's new saw makes. We hide it sometimes so that the batteries will still be good when it warms up enough for him to go to the cabin and help me build it. I'm sure it won't seem so loud outside in the open, but in a 14x20 kitchen it is very loud.
Updated Building Pictures
A second picture of the south wall and sw corner.
A wide view of the work accomplished. It snowed several days and I only really put in 3 days of work on the logs... At that rate I could have the 1st floor logs done in a week or two (2 wks - month including time at the mine) and the gable ends up in a third week. But as one of my favorite characters would say "you can't rush it, a proper notch takes time. I don't want my cabin looking as though a boyscout were turned loose on it with a dull hatchet" (paraphrased).
How I would have enjoyed meeting Dick Proenneke. He did write quite a bit about making mistakes or falling and then having to meet his maker, or settle with the Lord right there on the mountain, but he also didn't seem to like it when good old Babe Allsworth tried to talk to him about "religious" matters. It would be nice to meet Dick in Glory when I get out of this wretched place.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Windows Installed in the Basement
This was originally supposed to be one large window, but when I left the top row of blocks out of the wall for window space I forgot that a girder ties in right over the middle of the opening. I then decided to install two smaller windows with a vertical log support in the middle under the girder tie in location.