Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pictures from when Jon and Erika Grant visited.

Some pictures of Wrangell, Charity, and I with Jon and Erika when they visited here.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Wrangell helping Dada put child locks on the cabinet

Wrangell's first Christmas

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Wrangell in his crib

This is a short video of Wrangell playing in the crib I built for him.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Wrangell getting ready to go skiing

Wrangell wearing cool sunglasses



After... We could probably sell these pictures to a laudry soap company

Wrangell thinks mommies undies make neat hats!

Now this is starting to get scary... enough of the cross dressing... we don't live in California.

Wrangell and Uncle Roger... Double Trouble.

Wrangell helping Daddy work on cabin building plans...

On the way to climb the mountain in the center of the picture

Tok is in the flat land under the dark shadow in the center of the picture. View from the top of the mountain.

A pair of Ptarmigan we saw on the way up.

Tricia the photographer.

Violet and Roger

Everyone on the mountain... Wrangell rode up on my back... I now give credit to people who weigh 185 pounds or more... thats alot of weight to carry.

On our way to the Tanana River to do some Burbot fishing.

Tricia loves taking pictures of herself.... hmmph!

Violet patiently waiting....

Grandma and Wrangell.

Roger with the first Burbot.

Roger with me.

Roger caught the only fish. His Burbot measured 17, 18, and about 22 inches. I don't like Burbot fishing with Rog..... Fish Hog.