Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pictures of the Boys

Wrangell and Stryder. Peace.

Hey look at me! Stop paying attention to that baby. Wrangell sure does let us know when he wants to be held and pampered. He sure can be a jealus boy.

Wrangell and Stryder. He does like his brother alot even though he gets jealous sometimes... most of the time... whatever.

I do remember Wrangell getting black eyes in the past and that was always while I was at work. Lask week I came home to find out that Charity had stuck Wrangells hand in the treadmill. Actually I found out later that he must have put his tractor on the back of the belt while Charity was walking so that the tractor could drive. The tractor fell off the back and Wrangell got his hand stuck between the belt and cover when he reached for the tractor. Charity shut the treadmill off quick and its a good thing she was only walking and not running. Later I found the tractor underneath the front of the treadmill. The belt pulled it all the way to the front and tore off a tire and some other things.

A quick picture of Stryder while he was awake. I took this so I could show a friend, whom I haven't seen in some time. I went over to Wally's to use his shop to rip some boards for the basement. It is nice to have friends with tools and shops with stoves.

Wrangell after a peanut butter sandwich.

Wrangell in the morning. He is about as lively as I am in the morning.

Wrangell eating breakfast with his cats. He has to take them everywhere with him. They aren't allowed in church though.

Here is a video of the obnoxious noise Wrangell's new saw makes. We hide it sometimes so that the batteries will still be good when it warms up enough for him to go to the cabin and help me build it. I'm sure it won't seem so loud outside in the open, but in a 14x20 kitchen it is very loud.


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