Charity and I went on a ride saturday because we both didn't have to work. We drove up the Taylor Highway. We didn't see to much wildlife on our drive north toward Chicken and Eagle. When we were almost to Chicken Charity spotted a small herd of about 10-15 caribou. We stopped the car and walked up along a river to get close enough for some good pictures. There was one really big bull in the herd and here are some pictures of him. We were going to ride all the way to Eagle to see the Yukon River and to see Eagle because we've never been there... but we ran out of time because of our stop to see the caribou and I had to be back to eat dinner and go to work at 9.

We only made it about 12 miles past Chicken and then we turned back. Chicken is a small town, it has about 8 full time residents. Past Chicken there is a dead end road to Eagle and another road to Boundary (also just a few full time residents) and Poker Creek (border crossing, 2 residents half the year) then on to the Top of the World Highway in Canada. Today was a really nice day and there wasn't a cloud in the sky, which was good because the Taylor Highway is a no winter maintenence road after mid-September. On the way back we spotted a Hawk-Owl and I figured I'd put that picture up for Ben since he is a crazy birder like Charity.