The Mountain Family

Susan went hunting with Curt the other day and shot a big turkey. Rog is in the picture with Curt's small (did it just hatch?) turkey. [( This is Curt's reply to my statement about his Cornish Game Hen. I figured I'd put his reply in here so that you readers could get the other side of the story)... Luke Skytographer and Charity Pear, [in reference to the photos and Charity’s impending shape],
Thank goodness that you left the Mountain. There is now ample game for the Learns and Brennans to hunt.
I am looking for the name of a reputable Eskimo Law firm that will assist me in suing you and the Bible Institute for your posting of derogatory comments about the trophy turkey I recently harvested under adverse conditions (under the heavy-handed direction of one Bubba Learn who walks too fast in the dark, fails to provide Kool-Aide for her clients, scolds said clients for removing their fogged over eyeglasses, fails to provide bathroom breaks prior to shooting hours, and berates clients for shooting adolescent game birds).
If you fail to provide me with the information, I can only hope that your auto tires remain square, even throughout the summer. And may the black flies leave the Caribou herds in late May to set up housekeeping on your front porch. Perhaps a volcano will erupt to fill Skyphotographer’s favorite trout lake with 40 feet of caustic ash.
Hey, I like your site. And good luck up there.
Take Care,
Curt ]

Roger shot a nice 8 pt this year with his longbow. I'm not sure exactly how big it is... but its a pretty nice one.

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